Rules for MEC’s Great Northern Side-by-Side Classic
Safety comes first! No drinking alcoholic beverages before or while shooting. Dogs must be on a leash at ALL times. Protective glasses & ear protection is mandated for shooters and guests. Rented carts are the responsibility of the renter and must be handled with care. Any damage to the carts or damage caused by cart use, during the event will bear solely to the renter, regardless of the user at the time damage occurs. Shot size must be 7’s or smaller.
Main Event Rules: The total of scores shot in Main Event: Hunter’s Challenge, Sporting Clays,Grouse 6-standand Super Pigeon will be used to determine the 3 highest scores.
Gun Requirements: Friday – Any gun can be used to shoot in all events, including side-x-sides, over-unders, autos and pump shotguns. Saturday and Sunday – Only side-x-sides are allowed to be used.
Hunter’s Challenge Rules: Hunter’s Challenge will involve 12 stations with either report or true pair combinations. The shooter will shoot a report pair or true pair from the first shooting position and the next four targets will be taken from a second shooting position. Unlike Sporting Clays no target presentation will be repeated. Thus, you will never see a repeated presentation. Only the first shooter of each squad will be given the chance to view a target presentation from the ring or shooting box. Self-trap, self score. Any gun on Friday, side-by-sides only on Saturday and Sunday. Any choke, any gauge, any day. 86 birds total.
Sporting Clay Rules: Sporting Clay is a 2 trap presentation at each station. A menu will advise of each report or true pair given. Only the first shooter of each squad will be given the chance to view the targets while in the shooting ring or box. A total of 86 birds will be presented in the event. Self-trap, self score. Any gun on Friday, side-by-sides only on Saturday and Sunday. Any choke, any gauge, any day.
Super Pigeon Rules: “Super Pigeon” is shot very much like 5 stand. 6 stations with 4 birds (2 report pair) at each station. This will be an 8 trap presentation with a specific menu for each station. A report pair thrown from 2 of 8 throwers. Any broken target scores 1 point, whether it has a ribbon attached or not. Any ribboned “pigeon” target hit also scores 1 point if broken, however 3 points if ribbon falls inside the pigeon ring.
24 total targets. Each shooter will rotate through positions 1-6 until 24 targets have been presented. It is permissible to shoot more than one time at a target, however, the first target must be attempted before the 2nd is thrown. Any gun on Friday, side-by-sides only on Saturday and Sunday. Any choke, any gauge, any day.
Additional Side Event Rules:
5 Stand Rules: Any gauge, any choke, trapper will score this event. Any gun on Friday, side-by-sides only on Saturday and Sunday. Any choke, any gauge, any day.
Makers Challenge: We will again hold the Makers Challenge. When you shoot Sporting Clays be sure to put down the make of the gun you are shooting. The 3 highest scores from each maker will be added up. The highest total will determine the winners. Winners will have bragging rights and their names placed on a plaque in the clubhouse.
Hammer Gun Event: Hammer gun event will at the 5 stand on Saturday and Sunday. Must be registered shooters to compete. Prizes are awarded by gauge. Prizes are boxes of 12ga shells. Number of boxes awarded is determined by number of rounds shot per gauge Maximum of 3 boxes. For example if 3 rounds are shot with a 28ga hammerguns the top 28ga hammer gun shooter would receive 1 boxes of shells. If 15 rounds of 12ga is shot the top 12ga shooter gets 3 boxes.
Note: The rules are subject to change and may be modified. This is simply a general overview of the rules.